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Planning application for proposed 110kV substation in Clondardis and Slane More townlands, Co Westmeath


This website provides information on a Strategic Infrastructure Development Planning Application for a proposed 110 kV substation in Clondardis, Co Westmeath. Harmony Solar Mullingar Limited is applying to An Bord Pleanála for planning permission for the construction of a 110 kV substation and associated site development works, in the townlands of Clondardis and Slane More, Co. Westmeath. Following consultations pursuant to Section 182E of the Planning &Development Act 2000 (as amended), An Bord Pleanála determined that the proposed development is Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) within the meaning of Section 182A of the Act which necessitates a planning application being made directly to An Bord Pleanála. It is a requirement of An Bord Pleanála that the applicant create a specific website to include all of the application documentation which can be publicly viewed and downloaded.

The planning application is for a 10-year permission for the construction of a 110 kV ‘Loop In-Loop Out’ (LILO) substation and associated works. The proposed development will constitute the provision of the following:

  • Construction of a 110 kV substation and associated works within a site of approximately 4.5 hectares. The substation, comprising a total compound footprint of 1.29 hectares, enclosed by palisade fencing, will comprise:
    • 1 No. single storey substation control building (435 m2);
    • 1 No. single storey customer MV building (325 m2);
    • Switchgear, Arc Suppression Coil, Cable Sealing Ends, Cable Chair, Circuit Breakers, Current Transformers, Disconnects, Post Insulators, Surge Arrestors, Grid Code Compliance Equipment and Voltage Transformers;
    • 8 No. lightning masts to a height of approximately 18 m;
    • 1 No. telecommunications pole to a height of approximately 22 m;
    • 2.6m high palisade guard railing with perimeter boundary fencing around the periphery of the compound for security and protection measures;
    • Lighting will be provided by 4 no. lamp posts approximately 3m in height as well as exterior wall mounted lights on the control buildings.
  • Erection of 2 no. line-cable interface masts to enable a loop-in/loop-out connection to the existing Mullingar-Lanesborough 110 kV overhead line. The steel lattice masts will extend to heights of 16m and 15m above existing ground level.
  • Permanent access road (ca. 1.1 km in length) to allow access to the substation including a short spur (ca. 0.1 km) off the main access track to access to the 2 no. line-cable interface masts. The entrance to the local road (L5802) will be shared with the consented Clondardis solar farm.
  • Associated construction works and drainage infrastructure and installation of a temporary construction compound.
Thank you for taking the time to visit the project website. See below to view and download the planning documents See

Planning Documents

Click on the items below to download a pdf of the relevant planning document.
